How we have tried to cook Cepelinai in Czech Republic


How we have tried to cook Cepelinai in Czech Republic

Finally I have found some free time to write about this extraordinary meal.

The background story begins when Donatas (pro beer drinker) brought an idea of preparing cepelinai by ourselves in Czech Republic. Of course we have been drinking pivo together and idea seem like a good one. We have spin off the idea very fast - I went to Lithuania to get recipe of cepelinai from my grandmother, who was horrified by our will to fail, but did not say anything except "oh my" and wrote a recipe in her nice handwriting.

The plan has been very simple:

1. Go to the supermarket and buy needed stuff

2. Prepare ingredients and make cepelinai

3. Cook them and eat them.

Party has been of following persons:

The Judge - Monika, who has been monitoring progress and had to taste and evaluate them.

The Idea Man - Donatas, who has brought the idea of making cepelinai in the first place and even bought a kitchen for that.

The Mosad - (me), who has brought recipe and instructions from my grandmother in Lithuania.


The goal was to prepare Cepelinai for the first try.

Armed with the scroll we headed towards supermarket to buy all stuff we need, passing by Lithuanian Embassy in Brno:


Shopping has started with the most important ingredient:


After all products have been bought and brought back home, we have started to prepare the meal with a desire to show off with cepelinai for Monika and Tux Droid:


All ingredients have been prepared carefully reading the spell from the scroll:







Then one of the most important tasks:

making potato balls. This has been also the most funny part.


All soldiers are prepared to die:


Here are some leftovers:


Cepelinai have finished boiling.


They were put into plates and we can see and taste them (these three are the best looking ones).


As you can see - there is some space for improvements. While it has been fun to prepare the meal - it has been almost total failure (lower than 50% success rate), but now we know such things:

1. Buy less meat.

2. Practice more.

If this fails, we can compensate it with:


Enjoy! Next time will write about how we have tried to prepare Cenachai.



Unknown said...

xaxa :D gerą dozę juoko gavau ;))))

Nieko nėra lengviau nei pagaminti čenakus, įdomu, koks šedevras jums gausis :)))

Aistis Zen said...

Ceneku recepta galiu pavairuot. Ramashke iz ze best!

A bloke in Europe said...

hehe, pavairuok ;) mes su vienu jau sufailinom, tai galim bandyti kitą ;)


Aistis Zen said...

ramashke says:
pakepini kiaules ispjovos su cesnaku, pakepini morku su paprikom. Viska krauni i cenakines. Pridedi bulviu [kubiku], marinuotu agurku [skaniu], baziliko, kecupo, prieskoniu, uzpili verdanciu vandenuku ir i orkaite.
ramashke says:
As uzstatau virs 200c ir laikau apie valanda
paragauju po to, ar bulves nezalios ir vsio


A bloke in Europe said...

heheh, bliam net seilė ištįso :D

