Humanized - for keyboard geeks


Humanized - for keyboard geeks

I have seen this in Europython conference, but somehow it did not occur to me to try it. Recently a friend has sent me a link and then it started. I am writing about Humanized Enso - this is little piece of software I have fallen in love with. From their website:

Software is too frustrating. But not all of it. We're here to help. Enso.

Having to change programs to perform simple tasks—for example, making a quick calculation, or looking up a definition—breaks your concentration, takes you away from the task at hand, and wastes your valuable time. Enso lets you do common computing tasks easier and faster than ever before. You get a huge productivity boost and a simpler digital life. And now that Enso is free, it won't cost you a penny.„

I don't care about calculations or looking up definitions - what I really like is opening applications without moving my hand to use a mouse, especially if I am working with a laptop. So go to see the demo and try it (not suitable for children under 25): DEMO

You will love it and will remove quick launch from taskbar in a few days ;)