Short summary on Saturday - the first arabian working day in a week


Short summary on Saturday - the first arabian working day in a week

They are crazy about computers and tech stuff - whole area dedicated for that (but most of items have no price tags - you need to negotiate).

I have seen Arabian women in the shopping mall (obviously the character is similar to all women in the world). Scary shit - like ninjas - dressed in bible black and lots of them. Also they are expressing themselves in the only way they can - painting eyes. Look like laser gun from starcraft.

During prayer time whole city is dead. Completely. And also you can hear some poor souls crying.

Starting to think about suicide - there is a temptation to go to the "Indian Barber" to shave my beard.

Have seen the restaurant called "Memories of China Restaurant" - looks old and ruined.


Sapnai said...

"Memories of China Restaurant" - as ten noriu :DDDDD

Aistis Zen said...


tu dar nepradejai melstis? eik nusiskust barzda pas skutejus - turetu geras experiencas but

linkejimai, parvezhk naftos

A bloke in Europe said...

hehe, dar nepradėjau, bet jau į koraną žvilgčioju. ta prasmė į spintelę - atsivertęs nebuvau, bet gal ir reikėtų ;))

ir aš manau, kad būtų smagu pas skutėjus, reikia pasiklausti aplink kiek papjauna jie užsieničių ir tuomet nueisim.

tai jau naftos neapsimoka vežt - dykai čia daliną - benzę į butelius pilsiu :)

Sapnai said...

Maciau per telika, kaip vienas lietuvis (nezinau kurioj saly) nuejo pas skuteja. Tai kamera stambiu planu parode - puse odos ten jam nudyre.. :)